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The selective-modular range: salient features and unique advantages

AquaNetto’s selective-modular range offers specific advantages that no other water treatment provider does. The patented Head-Piece, patented selective-modular arrangements, and open-architecture approach combine together in an innovative and novel fashion in order to provide you with an optimised water treatment system, autonomy of operation and maintenance, and unprecedented returns on investment.

All units and systems in AquaNetto's selective-modular range of solutions offer the following advantages and benefits:




Vertically or horizontally mounted with bi-directional flow
Position-independent design and mounting; customizable to the local ambient environment

AquaNetto units and systems may be installed in any position and are largely unhindered by the constraints of physical space
Easy retro-fitting and maintenance; easy to upgrade or add subsequent units

One reactor head size for all reactor diameter up to 120 mm; one reactor head for all quartz sleeve diameter up to 48 mm

Each UV lamp length usable by varying the reactor tube and quartz sleeve length

Reactor head in lead-free brass

Environmentally-friendly, sturdy, and robust

Direct mountable safety shut-off valve

Interrupts water-flow in case of drop in quality

Patented Head-Piece connects easily to filters provided by various market leaders

Enables client to independently choose filter supplier and integrate third-party systems*; integrated according to water quality
Exceptional plug-and-play concept possible due to modular structure

Integrated state-of-the-art UV-C transmission sensor

Guarantees monitoring for sufficient UV-C irradiation

Connection on both side for sampling, measuring probe, admixture of chemicals, etc.

Enables complementary peripheral products to be integrated (filters, dosing units, measurement probes, etc.)

The units and systems are optimised for operation and maintenance

Prolongs life of system and promotes efficiency

Open-architecture approach as a basis for individual solutions

Effectively combine complementary treatment processes along with UV-C disinfection
Appropriate technology and appropriate solution for your specific needs

May be assembled in series or parallel blocks to provide an economic Consumption-Conditioned Operation (CCO)

CCO maximises energy efficiency and resource economy and uses comparatively little physical space, permits higher capacities, and responds to actual needs

On-Off Grid operated

wide power range - environmentally friendly

Control Unit is stand-alone, pluggable to the disinfection unit, and can be managed via a wireless connection

Independence and autonomy of operator and client ensured; real-time monitoring

Self-explanatory Human-Machine Interface (HMI)

Ease of operation and maintenance enhanced

High standard of protection, quality control, and safety

Uncompromising quality and reliability

*Adapters are available for the following filter suppliers:
- Honeywell
- Atlas Filtri
- Grünbeck
- Meta Filter
- Kemper
- Nussbaum
- Syr
- Judo
- Luise
- Acqua Breffeti
- Cillit

A collection of AquaNetto's units from the selective modular range


AquaNetto's UV-C disinfection unit with particle filter


AquaNetto's UV-C disinfection unit with particle filter (cross-sectional flow)

AquaNetto's UV-C disinfection unit with bidirectional flow (without any module changes)

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AquaNetto Group GmbH
Techno-pole 4
CH-3960 Sierre
Téléphone +41 (0)27 787 20 20
AquaNetto Group GmbH Techno-Pole 4, 3960 Sierre Switzerland Phone +41 (0)27 787 20 20 Fax +41 (0)27 787 20 21